Governmental Entities
Our experience providing professional accounting services to governmental entities dates back to the inception of our firm. We perform the external audit of financial statements for numerous municipalities, park districts, townships and special recreation associations, as well as state and federal government grant programs and state agencies. We conduct audits of governmental entities, many of which have obtained and hold the Government Finance Officers Association Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting.
Given our long-standing commitment to the governmental sector, we have cultivated a sizable and highly qualified governmental audit staff. All of our governmental audit staff members have chosen governments as an area of specialty, and have fulfilled the training requirements necessary to meet the Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (“Yellow Book”) as well as the standards for the Single Audit Act and OMB Circular A-133/Uniform Guidance. In addition, management-level individuals are active members of the Government Finance Officers Association, the Illinois Government Finance Officers Association and the Governmental Report Review Committee of the Illinois CPA Society
We draw upon our extensive experience in the sector when working with each individual client. The value this brings to your experience includes a simplified and streamlined process for your audit, personalized to your needs and to the operations that make your entity unique. Our keen understanding of government audits means that we have identified built-in efficiencies that will save you and your staff time throughout the audit process. We have also learned through our extensive work with governmental entities that an extremely user-friendly, clear and easy-to-read-and-understand audit report is essential for your various constituencies. And finally, our familiarity with public entities translates into very practical and meaningful advice on the issues that matter the most to you during the audit and beyond.